A. The field station
When I last left the summer recap, I had forgotten to write about my ten days at the field station. I was there to begin my field work investigating researchers' perceptions of information infrastructures, but was asked to stay a bit longer to sort out some local IT pains.
Long story short: The designated IT person has somewhat more training and skills than the average MOUS, but less than someone who has fought to get working sound on Windows 2003. The station director was trying to run data management operations through a very skilled civil service person, an overworked designated data management person, and others who incidentally managed data. He had wisely installed an "oops" (Uninterruptible Power Supply) at every computer, including those in the data closet which adjoined the mud room with a door at the bottom of a slope. I relayed my experiences with flooded UPSes on the third floor of a particular incompletoplex, and the exotic mycology of optical digital media substrates.
The food was recognizable but not superior to that provided at KFS. Breakfast was reliably hard-boiled eggs, toast with deli meats and various pickled meats and produced, with oatmeal and/or milkcereal, Lunch was reliably some kind of soup with salad. Dinner was a combination of various local fish, game, berries, etc. in a delightful sauce. Unlike at KFS, the kitchen staff do not experiment much with international styles or ingredients (I would like to see how the Finns would handle KFS curry).
Seeing dozens of boxes of paper logger records, printed e-mails, and wet samples crystallized for me the data and meta-data situation. Incompatible data formats would be a nice problem to have.
yet another asspull ninjaing a comprehensive assessment of the data management situation overnight, I agreed to return to do a workshop about this topic for the senior staff. Later I found out about a previous assessment done three years earlier (our observations agreed, I saw the progress made by following previous recommendations, and my suggestions happened to continue to build on that work).
B. Europe (from my notebook and FB updates)
Waiting for security to open at OUL for this afternoon's eight or so outbound flights. Reminds me a bit of YHM but for the spider lamps. Also, there are three competing public-funded free Wi-Fi services.
At any given time, AC at Helsinki airport could exceed that for all of the rest of Finland combined.
It's not a Finnair flight without a walk on the tarmac.
T-Mobile in Berlin: Y U no basic affordances? /raeg
The semi-interactive digital display for the payphones flash screenfuls of information every 4 to 30 seconds, covering everything from international calls to how to get a mobile serviced, but nothing indicates how to make a local call.
TXL does not sell mobile phones. Mobile phone stores close early on the weekends.
I suppose you could consider Alexanderplatz to be one metro station on several levels like Union, but it's annoying to change elevation five times with luggage to get from one U2 entrance to the U2 platform two blocks away.
Currywurst: Does not go with sauerkraut?
TIL: MacBook Pro does not like fizzy water.
At Pałac Galiny doing accidental tech support and consulting for U of C...
C. Chaos monkey
Power outlet still disassembled on floor. Hope this gets fixed before I return from 69°03'N; 20°50'E.
... photos and such in next post