Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This is not the koan you are looking for.
Bias has a contemporary reality.
This post is out of time.
To fear being wrong is to fear learning. Let us begin to teach learning.
Knowledge universal is hardly universal knowledge.
An ideas man needs an idea's man.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Nothing contains everything. Everything contains nothing.
Don't judge a book by its rotten onion.
Never speak softly to a gunfight.
That which sees all cannot be seen but by all.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Thinking with my GUT. The universal poetry feeds itself.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I begin to understand nothing. See you out there.
It is easier for true things to act like consistent things, than for consistent things to act like true things.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Frames of dereference

Ugly hacks project elegance by alternative vantage. Science slices the center losing why for what. A universe's best avails, but not possible.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Great possibilities open if unjust assumptions about inputs and outputs are discarded.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Heisenbugs are more difficult to design and implement than is obvious. Goodnight all.
Don't look a givt economic stimulus package in the mouth.
Hehe. The one thing agents usually do exceptionally well is to conform to the models that are assumed... even at the expense of becoming divorced completely from the social reality.
"Do not trust venture investors who sit on golden chairs"

"As it turned out later, it was not INVESTORS at all but swindlers who needed the project of PROGRAMMERS to create illusion of activity in order to swindle out from private investors “money to fund of venture investment”."
In twitter logic, it's apparently not a notable condition that a user could be notified of their own new twits from other sources. In almost every other context, that would indicate that a user account has fallen outside the user's direct control in some way...
The science of science both amazes and frightens me. Will we be able to recognize the meaning and value of that which we've produced or advanced in the most recent 40 years without 40 years of hindsight?
First assume the definite article, /then/ assume universe from it. But be sure to complain much along the way.
Hehe. Learning how to roast sacred cows.
Could we please be more creative with the next generation fair/efficient/democratic/open-source government/economy/social system discussions with something other than "assume an Internet"?

Manufacturing plants and supply lines require massive concentration of energy and resources (howsoever enumerated), and equipment must conform to interoperability standards designed by the small percentage of the population competent to apply the requisite high math and engineering.

The carriers and operators, with regulation and price structures almost completely in their favour, are struggling to maintain infrastructure with only 25% of the population on-line. Extending and maintaining (without advancing) a ubiquitous infrastructure for an entire population would likely require as many resources as would otherwise solve the social, economic or other balances to be resolved by whatever new system of organization.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Would someone please enlighten me as to the social or personal value they gain from playing EA?

As much fun as figuring out and abusing the game mechanics were, I don't see more than ten hours of gameplay here. Despite having interactive story elements and characters played almost entirely by real people, the game appears to have far less story depth than WoW or even Final Fantasy IV.

What would I get for grinding my way from lv 11 to lv 35 on EA as a reward that would be fundamentally different than from not continuing to play? Are there hidden quests or dungeons?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Money is not necessarily value

Why do we assume that economic and technological growth are natural and necessarily good for society? Almost every civilization in human history has eventually fallen due to resource pressures arising from unsustainable growth, yet we barrel ahead without having solved that fundamental issue.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


What is the sound of one trumpet blaring?

Strange that people would pay to complain about sounds from 10,000 miles away when a simple notch filter would suffice.

Friday, June 18, 2010

It seems that I've designed an agent that out-performs the actors on which it was modeled.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I didn't realize that the Ptolemaic pattern was once again in vogue

Everything has a cause, and that cause can be expressed in C++, according to almost every AI book I can get my hands on. elaborating with baroque adornments does not and cannot fix the big issues arising from that fundamental assumption. Even economics figured out a way to deal with non-deterministic systems in the 17th century.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thanks to a particularly awful AI book, I realized that several sutras were about how to design and test such things. And now, off to a little experiment.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Is it just me, or does modern iterative modeling simply average out assumptions over large patched sets of pseudo-data?

The modern implementations remind me of the Youtube video which was uploaded, downloaded, and reuploaded 1000 times. The final result bears more similarity to any other source video undergoing the same process than the source video actually used, and that the final outcome is predictable from applying the most aggressive information-minimizing settings to the sampling function a handful of times:

What am I missing?